Monday, October 3, 2011

Kinect in the Classroom

I took some time to view the various links that Camille Rutherford added to her most recent email to our TLC. Bring a Wii user, I know the attraction and motivator that this kind of gaming strategy can be. A close friend of mine was using her Wii for part of her fitness regime; this is how I got hooked on it. However, when Kinect came onto the market, she switched platforms immediately. Now I can see why although I am not willing to make the leap just yet.

For kinesthetic learners and special needs autistic students, the Kinect has solid potential. Furthermore, the gaming strategy is very highly motivating for today's learners who enjoy the challenges of virtual learning and even  augmentative reality. The videoclip using an AR approach is quite mind-boggling especially where you can explore 3-D models that have been downloaded from in concert with Google Earth. This takes the Kinect game to a totally different level.
The sample classroom applications were intriguing although what I saw with music, the thinking involved was fairly basic and low level. The strategy was much more impressive than the content.
This is where we need to be aware of how best to use technology in the classroom. Bells and whistles may mask the content of a lesson to the point that it may not be readily apparent that higher order thinking and/or critical problem solving opportunities are not been addressed in the lesson.
I realize that some basic experimentation is required at these initial application stages. This can and likely will lead to better quality application possibilities in the not too distant future.

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